

Side Hustling for Working Adults (Jul. 2020)

I finished drafting the book in Oct. 2019 and finally published it in Jul. 2020. I made 47 revisions, and I plan on making more – just no time soon. The book temporarily reached bestseller status in eight small categories on Amazon. It didn’t stay there long. But, hey, it got there.

Mentioned in the Book

The average household consumes ~$5K/month (Motley Fool, Feb. 2022). For having served, the most common passive income sources include the military retirement pension (from the DOD) and VA disability compensation (VADC). Combined, they could add to over $5K/month, helping a vet transition into civilian life.

There exist further benefits per state. See both the map and the matrix mentioned below. Additional benefits trigger upon increasing VADC ratings. For example, in Texas, a veteran with a 100% VADC rating may own a home exempt from property tax and send his children to college tuition-free.

Charities and other great resources for vets


A brief list of veteran-to-veteran (V2V) resources in business, career advancement, entrepreneurship, finance, investing, and real estate.

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A), or entrepreneurship through acquisitions (ETA). Brief list.