Book Review · Breakthrough

Reading another excellent book. Recommend.  The author shares an almost miraculous story of helping his wife recover from an end-stage diagnosis of Alzheimer’s.  Peter shares his frustration with those tasked to help, and the heartbreaking struggle of watching his wife suffer.  At least three themes that he experienced (and continues to experience) compelled me to…… Continue reading Book Review · Breakthrough

Problem, challenge, adventure

I remember hearing this NCO say on offense once, “I only know two phases of the attack: movement to contact and… adventures…” He might have been echoing a different sentiment than the one I imagined; namely, that the plan tends to go out the window as soon as the bad guys shoot back. Since this…… Continue reading Problem, challenge, adventure

Copy success, map out a book

I mentioned this in a previous post. It’s worth repeating. Not only does success leave clues, but successful people write books about how they did it. Sometimes, they write the chapters in sequential order. Why not outline the book and build from there, hence standing on the shoulders of giants? Why reinvent the wheel? Right…… Continue reading Copy success, map out a book